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…when I left the office then walked up five flights to get to my car.  Something I have never done!  A workout indeed and glad I didn’t have on any makeup.  Here’s how Day 4 went:

I am the essential bag lady.  Around 5 pm I went and put bag, purse, planner and books, minus my laptop, in my car.  Around 6:50 I packed up and left the office.  As I entered that stairwell at Floor 21 all kind of thoughts came to mind:  “I should have called Jorge (security guard) and told him if he didn’t see me come out come get me.”  “I should pull up 911 on my phone just in case.”  “I should have left that laptop in the car.”  “What am I doing???”  There I went.  Not too bad.  Floor 17 I started feeling the pull in my thighs.  Floor 12 I started counting the stairs: one set, then a landing, then another set before the next floor, 20 steps total.  I’m feeling the burn but okay.  Floor 10: I notice there are no emergency buttons on these floors. What’s up with that?  Floor 7:  The concrete slabs are wobbly…or is it me?  Floor 4: I’m getting ‘sea-sick.’ I’m feeling real queasy, moving slow but know if I stop I’m going to take a tumble.  Oh, wait, finally, an emergency phone.  I pause an contemplate, no I can do this.  Floor 2: Yesssss, one more flight to go.  My calves are tighter than tight.  Ten stairs, 10 more to go…wait blank walls, “say what??” Ten more stairs, then ten more…oh I have been bamboozled.  Finally!!!!!!  Floor 1: a door, I can get out of and not soon enough!  Whew.

Now on to my car.  I pass by Jorge trying to pretend like a fresh dew in the morning sun.  “Goodnight.” I walk out that revolving door (why…I’m ready to vomit) leaning forward.  Just the slight wind shift to the north and man down.  As I approach the parking garage I’m staring at the stairwell door straight ahead.  “Oh h*ll to the naw” I thought but as I got to the elevator my will, not my legs, kept going and here I go up those stairs.  A guy was right behind me and immediately stepped aside and told him to go ahead, “I’m going to be extremely slow.”  Here we go, flight 1, flight 2, flight 3 (somebody help me), flight 4 (pause, deep breath, 3…2…1…), flight 5 I felt like I just climbed Mt. Everest.  Left knee pounding, thighs contracting and calves pulsing, I make my way to the car.  I thought I was no safe but no, driving around those curves to get to ground level made me even more queasy.  Ugh.  But…I did it!!

image1My intent was to go to the gym and walk up 21 flights on the stair master but ran late  doing ministry and school work.  Nonetheless, total stair count coming down: 230, total going up, hmm, I don’t know; I need to count those stairs when I go back to work on Monday.  Without going to the gym, here’s yesterday’s activity.  I’m working my way up to 10,000 (even though a friend told me a 6,000 step goal is great).


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Support the Cause!